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What is NFT meaning and how does it work?

Hey everyone, Franky here, and today I’ll be giving you a brief introduction to what are non-fungible tokens (NFT) and how does it works, so let’s get started. Well, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique in their nature unlike Fungible ones like Bitcoin or Ethereum. A perfect example of a Non-Fungible Item would be Mona Lisa Paintings while token is a digital thing that is protected by Blockchain Technology.

What is NFT?

What is NFT meaning and how does it work? We can state simply that an NFT is just a digital asset that is unique and because of its existence on the blockchain, it can’t be replicated. The most common example of NFTs today is digital artwork, but it could be a whole lot of other things, like GIFs, songs, videos, tweets, digital skins for games, or even digital counterparts of real paintings. We are recorded as the owner of that product in the blockchain and this type of ownership is more secure than any physical counterpart. Lastly, a few well-known examples of NFTs include Bored Ape Yacht Club, CryptoPunk, and Axie Infinity

What is NFT
What is NFT

How does NFT work

Next, let’s talk about how NFTs work. To put it simply, an NFT relies on blockchain and cryptocurrencies to work. Blockchain, as we all know, is a shared electronic database, or in other words a distributed ledger.

There’s no need to worry about who owns an NFT because it’s stored in the Ethereum blockchain, and there are many ways to access and buy these digital assets. The best way to do this is through Ether trading, which can be done on the Ethereum portal or on third-party websites.

What is NFT meaning and how does it work?

Best NFT marketplace

If you want to purchase NFT art, there are only a few places I can recommend. OpenSea, Raible, Binance NFT, and SuperRare are great options. My personal favorite of them all is OpenSea. It’s also worth noting that, as with physical art, if you buy an artwork today for $1000 it may not be worth that amount tomorrow much like the stock market. There might be gains or losses.

The technology behind Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is new and somewhat complicated. There are people looking to capitalize on this confusion, so before investing in NFTs, it’s always better to do your own research about the project’s vision and maybe, even join their discord channel to see what other people are saying about it.

Does an NFT grant copyright ownership?

Non Fungible Token does not give you copyright ownership. When you buy a Non Fungible Token, it’s now your property. It’s traceable on the blockchain but that doesn’t mean you have exclusive rights over the object. For example, you might not be able to display the image on a T-shirt.

What is NFT (Non fungible token)
What is NFT (Non fungible token)

Environment concerns

Next, are NFTs bad for the environment? To be honest, a large number of NFTs carry a huge carbon footprint, to talk about Ethereum alone, it uses more energy than the Netherlands (which is over 100TWh per year). So, yes, NFTs are causing harm to the environment. But Ethereum is working to solve this problem. How? As we all know that Proof-of-work and stake are the two ways a blockchain transaction can be verified. And while proof-of-work is an older and more energy-intensive option, proof-of-stake is newer, and less energy-intensive and is the option most cryptocurrencies are moving to include Ethereum with their launch of Ethereum 2.0.

Future of NFT

What can an NFT be used for? Well, right now they are mostly used as artistic creations that people have made. But in the future, they could be used more widely than that. In the traditional world, we use all kinds of intermediaries to authenticate any form of information or transaction—whether you’re an artist trying to get authentication that your work is the original; a bank making a payment; or even a marriage license—all these situations need a third party to declare their authenticity. And if you think about it, everything in our economy that is transaction-based can be linked with an equivalent use case. With that in mind, I hope this article was helpful to you and served value.”


NFTs are the future of crypto assets, and with them comes a new way of thinking about ownership. For example, if we want to make it easier for people to buy artwork without having to deal with currency conversion or any other hassle-free process there needs to be some kind of digital platform where buyers can instantly find art that suits their tastes and get an instant payment system in return. That’s where NFTs come in! Ethereum’s blockchain provides the perfect platform because it allows developers like ourselves access all kinds of data including market prices which means we have access to pricing info when developing products using this technology

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